NLO Shows

October 8, 2024: Our FAVORITE FATS Are Fabulous! Grab A Snack & Cuddle Up!

There’s a world of heavyweight creators out there, and we love checking in on them. Our favorite Raider fan Micheal Ray Bower is busy maintaining two channels, one on his favorite sportsball team and one about his never-ending bouts of depression and anxiety. Can you guess which one is more entertaining? What’s better than hot dogs and corn? Chocolate covered hot dogs and corn, or course. We check in with Royce to see what disgusting trash is on the menu today. Chad Zumock is in Tampa and sitting directly in the middle of the impending hurricane path. He’s using it as an opportunity to look brave an careless, but the reality is that he doesn’t have any friends or family to go stay with, nor does he have an extra $129 to blow on a La Quinta Inn a few miles inland.

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RUN, PIGGY, RUN! A Chad Zumock Experience

Chad Zumock stole sandwiches from Whole Foods. Chad Zumock stole credit cards from Veterans. Chad Zumock broke in to his ex-girlfriend's house in the middle of the night. Chad Zumock fell asleep and drove in to a tree at 3am. Chad Zumock faked getting jumped for YouTube clicks. Chad Zumock bought Twitter followers. Chad Zumock told a depressed coworker to end herself. Chad Zumock is afraid of people making fun of his videos. Chad Zumock sticks up for himself with fake social media accounts. Chad Zumock is banned from comedy clubs for being a nuisance.

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NLO Shows

October 7, 2024: STEEL TOE Gets Fully SELF-CONSCIOUS! Nick Rekieta SEX SHOP Trips Revealed!

Aaron Imholte has spent another weekend combing over what all the haters have to say about him, and is now scrambling to try to change public perception with an overt change to his show that people have been asking for throughout his YouTube tenure. Keanu C. Thompson may be overstepping her talent allocation by trying to host her own show, but she has a full time position making Aaron Imholte question his own sanity. After Keanu mentions Aaron being so self-conscious he won’t show chat on the screen, he starts doing it the very next show! Aaron attempts to do a Vikings postgame show, but quits because nobody is watching, and then proceeds to do a Members Only stream where he just talks about football and Nick Rekieta, because that’s all Aaron has left to talk about. Hi April!

NLO Shows

October 2, 2024: LITERALLY Moving The Goalposts! Aaron Imholte is GETTING LOOSE With His Show!

It’s a late night fudge-fest, with Aaron making some bold moves and really struggling with his goals this week. This man is getting run in to the ground daily, as he admits more and more the flailing nature of whatever is left of this aspiring radio-like career. How can this go on? Is he preparing to dump Johnny, or is the recent teasing and belittling of his favorite gimped sidekick a backlash for his recent transgressions on other shows? Only time will tell! We have so much Toe to get through and so little time, but let’s laugh the night away catching up with our favorite spouse-abusing narcissist!

NLO Shows

October 1, 2024: Is STEEL TOE Dying? Aaron Imholte Is GASPING For Relief! Ann Gosch AKA SlamPig?

Aaron Imholte is more panicked than ever, and he can’t stop dreaming about the expansion of his dying show. Watch the cognitive dissonance in real time for some of the best laughs of our time! Patrick has a new Rode Caster and he’s embarrassed about all of the cables nd equipment that this one simple box is replacing. Or is it? Patrick proceeds to scream about Windows audio for an hours because something is causing the levels to turn down automatically again, and windows myriad settings and configuration panels make it impossible to find. Anyone have any ideas? Aaron shows off his German coin that is worth two dollars and kisses it like it’s the most prized thing he owns. Aaron as received a strike on the Steel Toe YouTube channel for his gun promotion, and he thinks it’s Patrick’s fault. Has SlamPig been doxxed? Who is Ann Gosch?

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Get stroked about it, querms! Patrick is back after a week of insane breakdowns and lots of build up, but the dentist could be handling that for him this weekend, if you know what I mean! I don't know why I said that. It's not coded. I have a dentist appointment. I also just switched to first person. It's just me. I'm so alone. Come drink with me on this Friday of L's I've been stacking up lately!

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NLO Shows

September 26, 2024: Is Aaron Imholte Playing 4D Chess? Our Favorite FATS Are FREAKING OUT!

Late show, hate show, sorry ya had to wait show! Aaron Imholte, the only remaining full-time employee of the Steel Toe Morning Show is starting to run out of ideas, but that’s not going to let him stop from pitching old ones wrapped up in some used trash glitter he found in his car seat after one of SlamPigs kids had to take an art project home from day camp. Watch Aaron explain how he’s one step ahead of Melton and he’s embarrassing his opposition more and more every day. Mersh is still being poor and complaining about it. Glitter and Lazers is back with some heartbreaking health news that you’d never expect from a woman the size of a small forklift.

NLO Shows

September 24, 2024: Royce Likes Cheesy Beef! Mersh Needs Money! Aaron Imholte SHAKES For Dollars!

It’s Tuesday night and there’s so much Toe to cover that you can bet your family’s Chinese restaurant library that we will be talking about Aaron Imholte and his issues. Let’s dive deeper in to some of our other favorite curiosities as well. Have you guys met Royce? Woah… We catch up with NLO favorite home chef Simply Sara. Mersh is yelling about Rumble again and joins Steel Toe in a spiral of depression and an on-air fit that rivals toddlers who need a nap. The cope and desperation are becoming too much to endure!

NLO Shows

September 23, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Is A Friendless ALCOHOLIC! Bower Bounces Back After TV Tour!

Another day, another dollar, and every dollar helps us get to that elusive goal! Aaron Imholte is fully down a rabbit hole of hope, delusion and distraction as he keeps leaning in to imaginary crimes by the host of this program to misdirect you from the very real problems and accusations looming over his slowly-balding head. Josh Denny is losing it on Twitter about the recent show going over his reaction to another recent show, and Patrick is starting to think the two will never be best friends again. Johnny Krutches skipped a Steel Toe show, and Aaron used the opportunity to turn the knife even further in to his friends relationship. When will Johnny get fed up with Aaron’s duplicitous nature and turn fully on the abusive and manipulative Minnesota ringworm known as Aaron Imholte? Tryhard comedian Chad Zumock is doing more shows than ever while making less money than anyone! Will he be better off with his tribal lover Godfrey at his digital side to fight his stupid online battles with him?

NLO Shows

September 19, 2024: Patrick’s LONG CHAT With Nick Rekieta! Aaron Imholte’s Day Off At Court!

What a special day! It’s a day off for Aaron Imholte, chief lolcow of Steel Toe Media Inc. The recent alleged felon and sex crime perpetrator was in court today to put his finger in his ears and refuse to take accountability for his horrific revenge porn stunt that he committed live on air – once again, allegedly. Patrick had a message from Nick Rekeita this morning and the two talked for quite awhile. Lot’s of fun is coming our way, nerds! Mersh seems to be desperate for attention, and the way he is doing it is allowing the Florida cat-addict to completely lose his cool on his streams. Someone tell Mersh his pathetic is showing!

NLO Shows

September 18, 2024: Why AARON IMHOLTE Is A Lost Boy! A REBELLIOUS Nintendo Training Video!

The Steel Toe Morning Show has been around for ten years, and no one has less of an idea about its future like its host and creator, Aaron Imholte. Let’s catch up with the roller coaster of emotions that Aaron has been on for the last 24 hours, and examine where Aaron has come from in order to understand where he wants the program to go in the future. Can this sappy noodle man ever let go of the past? It isn’t Tuesday, but we could all use a good training session. Patrick has a Nintendo video that you’re gonna love to watch, because it’s so off-the-cuff and really sticks it to the corporate man, man!

NLO Shows

September 16, 2024: PURE PANIC! Aaron’s Vanity Backfires! Slampiece Is ALL-IN! Is Johnny A Cat?

What an event-filled weekend, as Aaron allows his need to be in front of an audience backfire on him completely in an emotionally embarrassing confrontation on some Irish tv channel. The Aussie Guy springs questions on Aaron in a manner that could be the best we have seen yet, but Aaron was ready because his ride-or-die rebound side-chick has filed him in that this could be an ambush. It turns out that Aaron and Ann may be spending much more time together than anyone could have imagined. Is Ann in love? Johnny Krutches goes full attack mode on Aaron over his comments about cats, but relinquishes his position on Monday’s program. Is Johnny having second thoughts about ditching Steel Toe after the collapse of his recent relationship along with his confidence?

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MEMBERS ONLY: DonkeyLips LIVE! Mersh Is Messing Up More! Aaron Imholte Is OUT OF IDEAS!

Michael Ray Bower aka Donkeylips is in Pennsylvania and doing a media tour for a nostalgic Nickelodeon convention he is signing pictures at this weekend. It's a different Bower than we've recently seen at home depressed. Mersh is a character and we can't stop watching him dream of success while wasting all his money gambling on women's tennis.Aaron Imholte has given up and knows it won't be long before he's selling cars or hot dogs downtown. You won't believe the laziness!

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