NLO Shows

February 2, 2024: HACKAMANIA! Kevin Brennan DOUBLE’S DOWN On SENILE! Aaron Imholte STEEL TOE Tattoo!

It’s Friday, and Patrick can’t seem to reach escape velocity from the Kevin Brennan insanity vortex. Today we try to put a button on the issues? What is Kevin Brennan afraid of? What is really happening to his money? Why is he so angry that he has forgone logic to align himself with nonsense? Only time will tell. One this is for sure – Kevin is big mad and that has the dull-brained blips around him chimping out with nonsense. We try to finish Chad’s drunk show from Tuesday, and also visit some great Chad memories from the days when he thought he was going to be somebody. Plus we have your tattoo ideas for Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show, and HACKAMANIA news!

NLO Shows

NLO LIVE: POSITIVITY! Ray Merch Art Contest, Summer Sinclair Podcast & More (August 4, 2023)

Patrick wants today to be a fresh start and have some positivity injected in to a week of animosity and mean-spirited remarks. Patrick has a message for Joey C and his wife in the name of positivity and a truce going forward. We’re limiting the Ray content to one hour today in the name of positivity! Join in the fun and help design some new merch that you think Ray will definitely hate. But do it in the name of positivity!