NLO Shows

September 29, 2023 – Kevin Brennan HATES Truth, Ray Spins Facts, Mandatory Employee Training

It’s Friday in Las Vegas, and the end of September is nigh. So much has happened this week, both good and bad, and Patrick thinks everyone could use a super-sized palate cleanser to start the weekend. Patrick addresses some of Kevin Brennan’s insane concerns. Ray Devito is pulling videos down to prevent being caught in lies and avoid upsetting any future possible princesses. Joey C makes a lot of threats for a guy who can’t go up a flight of stairs without huffing for twenty minutes. Patrick has discovered one of the most insane videos on the internet and would like you to join him for a very rigorous employee training session from our friends at Waffle House.

NLO Shows

September 28, 2023 – The Show You ALL Deserve!

As the sun rises over Las Vegas and Patrick ascends his podcasting throne, an unsettling mood descends on the land. On an R-Tard Thursday like this, we should be focusing on those around us that make us laugh with their ineptitude and frustrate us with their stubborn and unchanging ways. But here we are. Here we go. We’re doing it. We are fucking doing it.

NLO Shows

September 26, 2023 – Rob Saul Fires Allegations, Chris ENABLES, Shuli LIES About Patrick Live!

There’s some static in the air, and Patrick wants to be the dryer sheet that relieves you of all that tension. Comedian and dog-semen-extractor Rob Saul has gone public with some gossip, appearing on Misery Loves Company with Kevin Brennan on Monday afternoon. According to Rob, the Shuli Network, Bob Levi, and Chris Ables are all purchasing views for their videos, and claims to have receipts. Who is lying and why? Who is Steven Springer? What is “marketing?” Kevin Brennan is still being retarded, and it has to be a work. Aaron Imholte let his seat be filled by Keanu on Monday night. What lows will Aaron and April stoop to next on the Steel Toe Desperation Show? This show gets derailed by the accusations against the Shuli network, and intensifies when Shuli begins lying about Patrick live on The BS Show for some reason.

NLO Shows

September 14, 2023 – INSANE Gun Safety Video, Replay It Again, MAN!

When will this week be over! Jkjkjk we are having a good time over here. Patrick can prove it by ranting about a bunch of stupid things right off the top! Ray DeVito is having some kind of breakdown. Have you caught the new show sweeping the Shuli Network! Patrick has got a drinking game that you can play at home. Climb aboard a magical moon ship to the far away land of Derek Savage, and dare to learn the seductive art of gun safety from a man who looks like he has several types of whiskey radiating from his mouth and/or body at all times. But at least there’s ALMOST no Cool Cat in this project.