NLO Shows
February 27, 2024: FAT TUESDAY! Gross Piggies Only! Bring Your Wiping Sticks!
We can’t continue our journey through the Dabbleverse without stopping along the way for some sweet sustenance. Pull over with Patrick and gather some provisions with some of our favorite porkers on the internet. Today we catch up with Michael Ray Bower, aka Donkeylips, as he learns what his body is capable of at his mature age. Planet with a Palate inspires others by teaching that you’re never to fat to roll around your kitchen on a chair. We’ve got a new fat lady to watch live a day in the life of the super-obese. And if there’s time we could learn a thing or two about a thing or two from the fine people at Hardees. Grab a meal and a fork and join us at the adult table, won’t you? …