NLO Shows

July 12, 2024: AARON IMHOLTE Is A BAD MAN! An Abuser FREAKING OUT About Consequences To Come!

The walls are closing in on Aaron Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show, a failing racist hatecast he runs out of his basement in Minnesota. After losing his wife April Anderson to another man and running his once-mid show in to the ground at the expense of his personal life, he now faces mounting allegations of domestic abuse from his ex-wife, and he is frantically trying to discredit both his friends and his ex-wives as they possibly prepare to bring legal action on the midwestern zilch who can’t stop running his mouth with lies on a daily basis. Watch today as he tries to smear the woman he once loves, and attempts to silence his friends with threats of legal action that he made up out of thin air.

NLO Shows

June 20, 2024: The KIKI Conundrum! What Is Keanu C. Thompson? Steel Toe’s COHOST CABAL Exposed!

Another day and another win for the toe! Johnny Kobbles was back today and cannot make it more clear to Aaron that he doesn’t have any forks left to give about his stupid ex-wife and her drama. But that will not deter Aaron from going on and on and on and rehashing all the dirt. New theories arise about the intents of April Anderson and Nick Rikieta since the arrest. Kiki aka Keanu C. Thompson is losing her mind on her show, not that anyone would notice. Let’s dive in to this weird pseudo-comedian slash wannabe chuckle-chaser and ask ourselves what this woman is up to, and more importantly why.

NLO Shows

June 19, 2024: THE TEENTH! Did Aaron Imholte DOSE Nick Rekieta’s Kids? New Chilling Accusations!

Patrick has migrated the studio over to a new computer, attacked the problems head on, and is ready to come back live and see what isn’t working. Aaron Imholte has gone full throttle on alighting his few friends about his past, and we are here to shed some light on the truth. Will Aaron Imholte ever be able to let April Anderson go, or is the small-town Minnesota failure of a father destined to waddle in a pity puddle for eternity? Let’s laugh as he lashes out at the latest drip from the Rekieta Law lolcow lollipop. Let’s see who saying what, what makes sense and what doesn’t, and just what everyone’s motives might be. Saddle up, simpletons! It’s time to ride!

NLO Shows

March 18, 2024: KEVIN BRENNAN Tries To Improve His Show! RAY DEVITO Has Had Enough!

Another weekend sails by, and the occupants of the Dabblewhatever are strapped in tight for another tumultuous week turning on each other, faking events, and trying to undermine each other’s enemies. Can you feel it in the air? Kevin Brennan has cast aside everyone in his stable, from Pat Dixon to Ray Devito to Chad Zumock. Some are taking it better than others. Chad is too busy pretending to be a comedian for a couple of weeks to concern himself with the Dabbleverse unitil the end of March, when his calendar once again will be empty, leaving him desperate for the sweet MLC pay drip. Ray Devito seems to be growing some common sense about Kevin Brennan. Kevin takes his show up a notch with some green fabric that he doesn’t need or know how to use.

NLO Shows

NLO NEW YEARS TOOKIE-TACULAR! Laughs, Surprises, Fun Times With Friends!

Come ring in 2024 with your friends until the end, Patrick and Tookie! There’s so much to be thankful for in 2023, and we plan to go over some of the biggest moments and create even MORE content about them! It’s the never ending spiral of the Dabbleverse! What does the new year hold for some of our favorites? Will Kevin Brennan keep inventing things that didn’t happen to get mad at? Will Chad ever fight his own battles, or will he continue to drink himself in to a stupor and point to the past in a desperate search for relevancy? How will the Atlantic City meetup play out in February? Will Ray close the deal with the blubbery-armed skin-tagged Kate Meaney? Will any of this even matter? There’s only one way to find out! Hold your breath and we will see you on the other side!