NLO Shows

January 27, 2025: Aaron Imholte STILL THINKS He’s A RADIO MAN! Donkeylips GETS WIFI In His Head?

Aaron Imholte insists that the woman who lets him make peen bubbles inside her holes is not controlling the show, and influencing its direction, but we think the noodle-armed grifter protests too much! Watch as the physically-abusive manipulator explains out loud how he is changing his show to be more radio-friendly for the masses. Michael Ray Bowers aka Donkeylips of Nickelodeon fame thinks that he is picking up wifi signals with his body, and we can’t wait to see what that’s all about. Summer Sinclair wants to diversify a holiday puppet show.

NLO Shows

January 24, 2025: COACH Goes To COURT? Is Aaron Imholte Headed To A JURY TRIAL?

Aaron Imholte won’t take whatever deal he is being offered by the state, and now he could be headed for a trial in front of a jury. Could this be the stupidest thing he’s ever done, or is Aaron confident in his ability to represent himself in court like they do in the movies? The Dabbleverse is in flux, with enemies and friends mixing and mingling, and it’s tough to tell how it’s all going to shake out. One thing is certain – the Super Bowl weekend event is shaping up to create a lot of drama. Patrick isn’t sure he even wants it anymore. Can’t we all just get along?

NLO Shows

January 22, 2025: Chad Zumock is ALL FILLER NO KILLER! Pussy Comic REFUNDS Patrick’s Ticket LIVE!

Chad Zumock is coming up on the event that is sure to define his comeback arc after the event that arguably was part of his bottom just one year ago. Will the wannabe comedian fulfill his destiny to throw a live event in everyone’s face? Only a shaky pig’s alcoholic blunder-brain will show us in time! Aaron Imholte pushes back his felony revenge porn charges as he hopes for a settlement that doesn’t land him behind bars or labeled as a felon for the rest of his time on the earth. That would most certainly not be another win for the toe!

NLO Shows

January 20, 2025: Make AC Great Again! Jill Carlson Loses It! Is Bower Leaving LA?

Chad Zumock is putting everything on the line to cover up the fact that he’s using Kevin Brennan for a free trip to suck Jim Florentine’s Super Bowl soup spoon. Aaron Imholte has given up trying to convince people Patrick is a bad guy because of Supertip malpractice or untoward allegation of the most unsavory kind. He’s moved on to pointing out how ugly Patrick is instead. Michael Ray Bower may be leaving Los Angeles? Say it ain’t so! And will Patrick ever get to that pesky PO Box mail from December?

NLO Shows

THIS LITTLE PIGGY! A Steel Toe COACHING Show! (January 17, 2025)

Aaron Imholte is really unraveling over the revelation of his boxing repuatation being a complete fabrication. After verified word from his gym that he isn’t a coach, doesn’t work with youth boxers at all, and has never been qualified or asked to be a coach in any capacity, Aaron is scrambling to rebuild his identity with this new information now being public. From arguing about what a coach is, to implying that his gym has been letting him coach without a certification, Aaron is determined to throw friends and alliances under the bus to preserve his personality as a wise old boxing mentor.

NLO Shows

January 17, 2025: Steel Toe WRECKED Over Coaching Reputation! The Gym CONFIRMS He’s NOT A COACH!

Aaron Imholte is really unraveling over the revelation of his boxing repuatation being a complete fabrication. After verified word from his gym that he isn’t a coach, doesn’t work with youth boxers at all, and has never been qualified or asked to be a coach in any capacity, Aaron is scrambling to rebuild his identity with this new information now being public. From arguing about what a coach is, to implying that his gym has been letting him coach without a certification, Aaron is determined to throw friends and alliances under the bus to preserve his personality as a wise old boxing mentor.

NLO Shows

January 15, 2025: Is Aaron Imholte OK? Steel Toe BREAKING DOWN In Arguments With NOBODY!

Aaron Imholte has had an interesting few days. After issuing yet another boxing challenge because he was FEELING too much and backing down in real time, Aaron has rewritten history several times with new excuse after new excuse. The latest round of rumors has Aaron scrambling to preserve his reputation, as the coach at his boxing gym clarifies that Aaron isn’t a coach and has never been a coach. He hang around and offers advice and help, unsolicited, to other members. And now he’s making up more and more enemies to own, as if the shortcomings of others have anything to do with his lies.

NLO Shows

January 10, 2025: Aaron Imholte RUNS AWAY Again! The HEAP At HACKAMANIA!

Patrick was just casually watching Steel Toe this morning with a few hundred of his closest nerds, and Aaron Imholte’s emotional insecurity got the best of him again! Watch as Aaron opts out of using his words to explain his feelings and fantasizes again about boxing Patrick and all his haters. Patrick immediately accepts, and Aaron starts putting on stipulations and trying to back out due to trust issues. This marks the second time Aaron Imholte has backed down from a challenge to box Patrick Melton that he himself issued in the heat of an emotional bout of feels. By the end of the show, Imholte was telling his Steel Toe sycophants that Melton had declined his offer to fight, completely shrouding himself in delusion.

NLO Shows

January 8, 2025: MENTAL CHILLNESS! AARON IMHOLTE Invited To HACKAMANIA!?Joey C Refuses HIS Terms!

Patrick cannot take it anymore! Jill Carlson must be discussed! What is it about nutjobs with causes that makes them think they’re actually accomplishing something? Listen up and gather around to hear a story about a woman betrayed by her family and the government of an entire town. See if you can make sense of it! Kevin Brennan thinks Patrick is making up a source about Blade and his probability of sabotaging the AC event. Who knows what to believe as Patrick reveals more details! Joey C calls in and won’t accept Patrick’s offer to settle for the very thing he’s asking Patrick for, proving once and for all how dumb he is. Aaron Imholte has been a busy boy, and Patrick wants to catch up with you. Aaron is clipping again. Patrick invites Aaron to Hackamania and offers to cut him in like one of the boys! Mersh is having lots of internet problems and can’t stop yelling at his chat, which means he’s just like Patrick!

NLO Shows

January 7, 2025: KEVIN BRENNAN’S Big Comedy Comeback! AARON IMHOLTE Violates Court Order LIVE!

Kevin Brennan is a comedian from the 90s that your dad probably loved, but lately he’s just been yelling at dead Friends and relying on YouTube viewers to pay for his bike tires. Kevin hung up his comedy coat years ago, but now he’s letting Chad Zumock plan his comeback in Atlantic City! Chad takes to MLC for a big announcement about the show, and it’s all falling apart at the seams in real time. WinBY2 goes live to let everyone know that this event was not on as of yesterday, and he still doesn’t understand what’s going on because of the lack of communication. But everyone is pumped for this disaster and NLO has all the angles as the once mighty Kevin Brennan prepares to “sell tickets” for the first time in two years!

NLO Shows

January 6, 2025: BLACKMAILED By SHULI? Cumia WRECKS Geno Bisconte! Chad Zumock Is INSECURE!

What a weekend! Patrick had a wildly long email thread with some nut who can’t seem to figure out why he is mad at Patrick. At first it was about something that happened on the show 19 years ago, but it ended up being about Shuli and how Melton better watch what he says…or else! Let’s get in to it. Chad Zumock is being sniped daily and hates the attention! His show is not for people who don’t like his show, and he will wreck it yelling at you about it. The insecure pig man is deleting shows after embarrassing tantrums throw him off his game. Geno Bisconte is having a falling out with his old boss Anthony Cumia, and it all revolves around Geno’s complete denial of his own reality. Don’t INSURRECT yourself about it! Come watch the Onions!

NLO Shows

January 2, 2025: NEW YEARS RETRIBUTIONS! Sidewinders! Scandals! Sculptures! OH MY! Ring My Bell!

New year, but the same old stuff, am I right? Patrick Is on the run again after another scandal reveals he did something nobody has a recording of again! Red Bar circles back for another swipe at Patrick now that Steel Toe showed Mike David that it’s safe again. Wait until it gets out that Patrick is fat. Again. This one gets pretty meta and we’ve got clips within clips within clips to help ring in the new year with plenty of LOLs! So come hang out, send in a Supertip if you dare, and get silly with the Onions! Happy New Year, fellow jerbs!

NLO Shows

A Very TOOKIE New Year! The SECOND Annual NLO BeDabblin’ New Year Party Production!

Kiss 2024 goodbye! It’s the end of the year, and the start of new cheer! Join Patrick and El Horrible or BeDabbleman or Tookie or whoever he decides to be (don’t kink shame) tonight! Have a drink and make fun of the best and worst of 2024 along with whoever we send the link to! Will Chad drink himself further in to oblivion? Will the health department force KB to wash his shitty headset mic? Will Aaron Imholte post something to brag or to virtue signal the rest of us? Find out! ALL PROCEEDS WILL BE SPLIT BETWEEN ROCCO AND PATRICK WHETHER HE LIKES IT OR NOT!

NLO Shows

December 30, 2025: CHAD ZUMOCK STINKS! Aaron Imholte’s CONTINUING Delusional Bubble!

Chad Zumock is fifty years old, and nobody has been paying the mudshark much attention since he got off his streak of six comedy shows this summer at some of the most crumbly theaters in our union. As Chad tries to branch out and secure some sort of financial freedom from his podcast empire, it’s becoming more apparent than ever how insecure and desperate this middle-aged nothing really is. Aaron Imholte gives his members a trickle of content this weekend to prove he isn’t stealing his faithful followers funds.

NLO Shows

THIS LITTLE PIGGY: A Steel Toe SEETHING Show! (December 27, 2024)

So many birthdays, so little money! Let’s all wear hats about it! Join Patrick, Karl from Who Are These Podcasts, and maybe even Moody from New Zealand as they discuss this week in Aaron Imholte and his Steel Toe Morning Show. The man who refuses to get a job never ceases to captivate while taking his life and our entertainment up a notch.

NLO Shows

December 25, 2024: BAH-FUNBUG! Comedienne CHAD ZUMOCK’S Sad Christmas Cope Walk!

AI WROTE THIS: Thank you all so much for an incredible year! Your support, feedback, and passion have made this journey unforgettable. I’m beyond grateful for each of you who’s tuned in, shared your thoughts, and helped make this podcast community so special. As we wrap up 2023, I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with peace, love, and joy. Can’t wait to bring you even more amazing content in 2024. Thank you for being part of this! 🎄❤️

NLO Shows

December 23, 2024: CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN! A 24-Hour Stream Of Substance! (Definitely Not A Prank!)

It’s a Christmas miracle! Patrick is going to spend 24 hours dancing and singing for you people! Can you even believe it! What did you do to deserve this! Who knows? But it’s really, really here! Send in your funny suggestions, clips, recipes, wacky news articles and favorite movie scenes so we can get those envelopes and stretch those improv muscles, not necessarily in that order! LOL! HIT THE LIKE BUTTON!