Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1459: Zumock Unhinged!

The ordeal between Steel Toe Morning Show and comedian Chad Zumock continue. We listen to Steel Toe’s Aaron Imholte try to make his case more and more that Chad is an unhinged and broken danger to himself. And with some of Chad’s most recent videos, we can’t say that it’s hard to agree. Patrick is a little taken aback by how graphic and far Chad goes with some of his rhetoric and insults when it comes to Aaron. Perhaps the comments about April are even more distasteful, if far funnier. Listen as Patrick sets Chad’s amazing rants to some banging beats for the hip hop sensation of the summer. Who will win this epic battle of comedic wits? it’s too early to tell!

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[BONUS] Steel Toe DESTROYS Nobody Likes Onions

Chad Zumock has blocked Patrick on Twitter and called him a cuck for simply exploring the very conflict that Chad was directing everyone to check out through his ongoing feuds on Twitter. Why so mad, Chad? Is there more to this than meets the eye? Or is there less – a lot less? Aaron Imholte and Corey Adam from the Steel Toe Morning Show cannot stand Patrick and rip apart the Nobody Likes Onions program. Corey Adam becomes more and more emotional as the show goes on, first pretending to not know much about Patrick, and then expounding on his alcoholism, podcast origins, show prep ability, inflated ego, and much more

Aftershow Video

[BONUS] Chad Zumock VS. Steel Toe Morning Show! You Decide!

In late 2021, Patrick was introduced to a comedian named Chad Zumock when they worked together in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A year later, Patrick has noticed an increase in chatter about the Z-Man, and Chad has recenly been arguing with a radioman named Aaron Imholte based in Minnesota. Allegations of stolen credit cards, drunk driving, a mysterious Dry Bar Comedy special, ties to other podcasts and hosts, and so much more! We try to unravel this mess of broadcaster ball-busting, but the thread we pull just keeps getting longer. Watch as we trace the history of Chad Zumock through Kevin Brennan, Anthony Cumia, the Steel Toe Morning Show, and so many others. Who’s side are you on? Who’s the unreasonable one?