NLO Shows

May 2, 2023: Bob Levy Is Lonely? KB Gets Older? Steel Toe WINE SHOW! Aaron Imholte LOVES Patrick?

Join Patrick for a late night catch up show, where Patrick apologizes for his inconsistent schedule due to a lot of the logistical stuff going on with Hackamania. Is Bob Levy on the outs with the Shuli network? Is this just another work to fool Kevin Brennan in to showing his spiteful nature? Is BOB solo now or is he looking for new partners? Kevin Brennan gets another year older, but his cold sore is still under two months young. Aaron Imholte is definitely coping witha new single life, and fantasizes about teaming up with Patrick for shows and even absconding to Las Vegas to Hackamania. Will Mooby have the balls to show?


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Patrick is here on a Friday night to continue watching the appearance of Jesse PS from PodAwful as he attempts to navigate the muddy waters of St.Cloud Minnesota. Jesse mostly plays with Aaron, trolling him with confusing narratives about Opie and Anthony and his missing wife. Aside from hammering Aaron with the same truth bombs that the rest of the internet has been screaming at the weak-chinned non-man for over a year. Let’s watch a troll mess with a man who thinks he is beyond trolling and see what happens.

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