Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1401: Trouble in Thai-land!

Patrick is headed to Oklahoma, Kansas and Arkansas, but before he goes, it feels like we should at least cover the latest insanity rising up out of the sweltering sewer that is Las Vegas comedy. Let’s go over the recent events perpetrated by everyone’s favorite dramatic dildo, Thai Rivera, and the horniest promoter this side of St. Louis, Trouble aka Artemis Rios! These two have been at each other’s throats (and not in the gay way) for a year it seems. One is a desperate comedian struggling to validate his career in the public eye while still working hotel pool gigs, and the other is trying to convince a new wave of tourist pussy every weekend that he runs the hottest comedy show in Vegas while putting up open mic talent to headline.

NLO Shows

NLO 1401: Boobies & The Blowfish

Patrick wants you to subscribe and follow his standup YouTube channel for a project he will be doing all October long, writing new bits and uploading successes and failures along the way. Patrick talks about some recent outings, which leads to a discussion of Eddie Ifft, Chad Zumock, and Graham Elwood. Patrick recounts his experience with Graham Elwood years ago, and we watch the awful music video he made. Josh Denny has been making the rounds as a new right-wing nut, and he’s against abortions now. We find an old show where Josh talks about convincing a maid he knocked up to kill that baby, and check out his newest show, Next Week Tonight. There’s also some rumors going around about the recent fentanyl oopsie involving the death of three comics.

Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1397: Trouble in Vegas, Thai Rivera’s Pilot Script!

There’s so much drama in the Las Vegas comedy community, sometimes it’s hard to know whether to just ignore it, or to dive in and cover it all. But you have to talk about something, and they say write what you know. Whatever that means. Artemio Rios aka Trouble in Vegas aka I Am Las Vegas is causing some dissent in the scene by questionable behavior when it comes to the ladies, as well as paying comedians. We talk about a comic named William Strange and touch on his hypocrisy involving the Butch Bradley incident. Will this spell the end for the Splash pool party and comedy show at The Artisan, or give birth to an entirely new brand of creepy trying-oh-so-hard-to-be-hip-and-sexy shows? The main course of the evening is a pilot script dropped in Patrick’s lap by an old acquaintance of Thai’s.

NLO Shows

NLO 1397: For The Greater Good

Patrick can’t seem to get it together. He’s got things to rant about. He has opinions on things from an old friend’s newest podcast to some racist job ads he saw recently. He wants to brag about things like learning how to make onion rings from Bobby Flay and getting his swim spa early. Everything devolves quickly into an argument about personal freedoms and vaccine mandates by government and businesses. And of course, the DRAMA. The Las Vegas comedy scene is bananas right now. We have a flamboyant delusional never-was who thinks he just filmed a “special”, a cleaned-up club promoter named “Trouble” who’s trying to fight everyone for some reason, another comedian who got hit in the face this weekend, exclusive access to a pilot Thai Rivera tried to write a few years back, and so much more!