Show Archive

December 18, 2024: GOALS Are Here For EVERYONE! The Revisionist World Of Aaron Imholte!

Chad Zumock is getting banned from MLC because of a demand from Patreon? Watch as the sad criminal and wannabe full-time comedian plots one of the greatest comebacks on the eastern seaboard this winter! Joey C is still poor and making threats. Aaron Imholte has a history of making things up, but we are here to watch the paint peel off the walls and reveal all the shortcuts the builders of this house of cards tried to conceal. Nick Rekieta has a spy and Aaron is getting pretty cocky about it! Hackamania is going to be LIT!

December 16, 2024: REKIETA’S BIRTHDAY PARTY! The GOALS Are Getting GRIM! What Are WHEELS?

It’s Nicholas Rikieta’s birthday, so we are all going to take turns filling up his belly button with fun! Just imagine the SEETHING the haters will do! Aaron Imholte has had a year to figure out the difference between wheels and tires, since being roasted last year about his ignorance. He is completely lacking when it comes to any semblance of masculine knowledge. Hackamania tickets are on sale and Patrick is going to talk your ear off about it! Johnny is back and the goal is probably going to get BLOWN OUT so quick because of the talent levels on Steel Toe these days. Or is it?

December 13, 2024: Friday The WORST-TEENTH, Am I Right?

There’s no earthly way of knowing Which direction they are going! There’s no knowing where they’re rowing, Or which way the river’s flowing! Not a speck of light is showing, So the danger must be growing, For the rowers keep on rowing, And they’re certainly not showing Any signs that they are slowing…

December 12, 2024: Mike Calta Admits His Wife STINKS! Steel Toe INVESTIGATES!

Mike Calta has become aware that he’s being watched on the internet, and in true insecure Cowhead fashion he is pretending Patrick doesn’t exist. Watch as he trots his unfunny wife out to explain she has no business doing a show and isn’t built for the internet. Aaron Imholte and Mike Calta both have what they consider trophy women, and they are compelled to keep showing them off to their audience for clout. Aaron talks about his legal issues and court date, and we find out whether or not he wants to stop slandering Patrick any time soon.

December 10, 2024 (PART 2): MERSH Is Getting Sad! Geno Bisconte LOSES HIS CHANNEL! MLC Is MEAN!

Mersh cannot stop hanging out with losers, and the struggle sessions recently have been painful to watch. He’s teamed up with Geno Bisconte to tell everyone what is wrong with the Dabbleverse. Every show these guys hate, Steel Toe included, are doing better than them. Geno’s wish to leave YouTube comes trues after he shows full boof to the live stream. Kevin Brennan wants Shuli dirt from Bob now that he’s back in tow over at MLC. Watch Kevin roll around in glee when learning about Geno Bisconte losing his YouTube channel!

December 10, 2024: Steel Toe’s TRUCK STOP Date Night! MIKE CALTA Can’t Sing! (Believe It Or Not!)

Aaron Imholte can’t stop himself from talking about Patrick, even though the more he runs his mouth he may find himself in a whole new mess of legal drama in 2025. Only time will tell! Investigators have figured out where Aaron Imholte has been taking his boo on Wednesday nights, and it’s worse than we could have ever imagined. Watch as we reveal the actual truck stop where this banal bunch of mouth-breathers goes for a night out! Mike Calta loves acting like the big dog around the 102.5 offices, but anyone who can recognize peak cringe wants out of this industry asap. Except Aaron Imholte. He’d take Calta’s job tomorrow!

December 6, 2024: UNREAL CRINGE From The Toe! Bob Levy Re-Turns To Kevin Brennan!

Aaron Imholte and his boys can’t stop smelling their own farts and calling the wind sour! Watch some of the most amazing breakdowns from some of the strangest people. Bob Levy returns to MLC to shove the “years long work” in everyone’s face? What is happening? Patrick wants to try his hand at defauding his fans and wants to launch a new crypto token!

December 4, 2024: Red Bar Radio HATES Giggles! April Brucker’s New HOLIDAY HIT! It’s PO Box Day!

This one is definitely going to be the one where you realize that being a fan of this show isn’t doing you or your family any favors! Patrick is being attacked by an old incontinent man named Michael Redbar who has teamed up with number one radio guy Aaron Imholte. Find out if giggling is really the thing you want to be associated with! Patrick has some teasers about Hackamania for 2025 and you’re gonna want more! We’ve got a woman getting tased in a bikini just to make the hairs on the back of your tongue stand up! Wannabe comedian and amateur puppeteer April Brucker is back to remind everyone that Mike David isn’t the only one making plop on the internet!

December 2, 2024: Aaron Imholte SITS In His Failure! Patrick RULES EVERYTHING Around The Toe!

Aaron Imholte is in a rut, but only if you look at his view metrics, subscriber count acceleration, or the money his sad excuse for a show brings in. If you go by attitude, your mileage may very, as Aaron’s bipolar nature will never reveal the actual level of stress the Minnesota domestic abuser is currently under. Aaron can’t help himself, as he continues to double down on calling Patrick slanderous names on almost every show, and you have to wonder if all of this faffing around will ever catch up to him. After an embarrassing showing on his manufactured anniversary show grift Friday, the Moobs is in a mood and we are here for it.