Secret Shows

MEMBERS ONLY SHOW – March 17, 2023

It’s Friday and Patrick would love to have your babies! Patrick is spending the day catching up with posting audio versions and other exclusives for Overdose subscribers, as well as catching up on sleep. But you can join in tonight as he catches you up on the latest gossip and hardcore drama in the YouTube and Dabbler community, as well as the latest lie from Aaron Imholte from the Steel Toe Morning Show garbage fire. The weekend will allow Moody & The Scrimp try to drink themselves in to a stupor so they can put on another week of cope shows. Is Chad Zumock starting to turn on Patrick? People say it’s in the air. We watch Stevie Lew bomb it up!

Steel Toe Watch Show – March 16, 2023

I’ve already done six hours tonight, why not keep the FUN going, baby! We watch one of the most lie-packed show ever, and get re-streamed by Cardiff, Corndiff, BDabbler and more! What will today’s final scrimp count be? Only time will tell! Watch as Aaron Imholte and the Steel Toe Morning Show spin further in to a pit of cope and lies that they most certainly will not be able to overcome. Mooby seems to be the most easily-fooled dope on YouTube, falling for fake accounts and absolutely tanking his program to keep addressing the chat and Patrick. At the end of the day, Mooby and The Scrimp make up some new nicknames for Patrick

Steel Toe Watch Show – March 15, 2023

If Steel Toe Morning Show and Aaron Imholte can schedule time around his kids and making his wife clean up eggs and vomit to do a show every morning, so can I. Let’s watch our humpday edition of Steel Toe, which, with any luck, will see a squirming Corey Adam come to terms live with the monster Aaron has become, slinging hack jokes and impressions while trotting out puppets and party favors to beg for more money that Corey sees in a normal week. Can we help Corey Adam out? I think we can. Corey Adam will be getting half of the superchat money from today’s show, to help make up for the low pay at his main show.

Steel Toe Watch Show – March 14, 2023

I’ve already done six hours tonight, why not keep the FUN going, baby! We watch one of the most lie-packed show ever, and get re-streamed by Cardiff, Corndiff, BDabbler and more! What will today’s final scrimp count be? Only time will tell! Watch as Aaron Imholte and the Steel Toe Morning Show spin further in to a pit of cope and lies that they most certainly will not be able to overcome. Mooby seems to be the most easily-fooled dope on YouTube, falling for fake accounts and absolutely tanking his program to keep addressing the chat and Patrick. At the end of the day, Mooby and The Scrimp make up some new nicknames for Patrick

BREAKING: Chad Zumock Attacked

BREAKING: Chad Zumock attacked outside his home in Tampa Florida. Who is responsible for this horrible attack? Chad looks like lunch meat and Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show is glowing while talking about it. Suspicious? Is Chad faking this whole thing? Is Aaron a little too smarmy and cocky about this incident? Does Patrick have some exclusive information that could crack this case wide open? You’re darn tootin’! Chad Zumock calls in to give us the scoop and we pull back the curtains on all the Aaron Imholte lies. NLO investigates!


Here at Nobody Likes Onions, we pride ourselves on truth and honor when embarking on our investigations. We never claim to be the fastest, but we strive to bring you accurate reporting with scoops you might not find elsewhere. Tonight, we go over Patrick’s theory about what happened to Chad Zumock, the findings of an independent professional investigator, and what this means going forward. Who is responsible for the attack on Chad? Who knows more than they are letting on? Who is lying? We may never know all the details, but after this show picture should be a lot more clear. Join us for a night of collective crime solving! We finish a night of fun and truth by watching the latest episode of Moony and The Scrimp

Steel Toe Watch Show – March 13, 2023

Somebody has a case of the Mondays! Let’s turn that frown upside down by collectively watching and freely chatting about the least self-aware show on the internet, the Steel Toe Morning Show! Whether it’s Aaron in his bras, Johnny Krunches wincing every time Aaron begs for money, or fragile April upstairs on her pink Dell laptop furiously banning people in her own chat room for having the wrong kind of fun, it’s sure to be what’s known in the business as a hoot!

BONUS: Investigation Yields New Info

It’s Friday night and if one more mf’er runs they mouth the more likely they are for Patrick to probably just make a joke about your shirt or zoom in on your appendages. Don’t worry about it! Iteresting news to talk about plus we will start with a WIDE OPEN chat for all the spaz’s out there who need to get some shots in! Come let Patrick be your therapy bear! The preliminary results are back from the private investigator reporting to Patrick, and the results are going to make for a very interesting week. Patrick would like to talk to a certain party involved in this incident before he releases his finding. And that party knows who they are. Get in touch, won’t you?

Steel Toe Watch Show – March 7, 2023

MEMBERS ONLY: We continue our complete breakdown of Steel Toe Morning Show’s revisionist history and watch Aaron live as he tries to not bring up the insane collapse his brand is having while watching the…

[BONUS] Steel Toe DESTROYS Nobody Likes Onions

Chad Zumock has blocked Patrick on Twitter and called him a cuck for simply exploring the very conflict that Chad was directing everyone to check out through his ongoing feuds on Twitter. Why so mad, Chad? Is there more to this than meets the eye? Or is there less – a lot less? Aaron Imholte and Corey Adam from the Steel Toe Morning Show cannot stand Patrick and rip apart the Nobody Likes Onions program. Corey Adam becomes more and more emotional as the show goes on, first pretending to not know much about Patrick, and then expounding on his alcoholism, podcast origins, show prep ability, inflated ego, and much more

BONUS: Lawsuits, Rappers & Roommates

It’s a Vanilla Ice type of evening, and Patrick is in the mood to kick holes in the ground, because his style’s like a chemical spill. Enough of that nonsense. Patrick is here to update everyone and explain that Dillion Dilligaf aka Jack Spear is rumored to be mounting a legal battle against Patrick (and boy are his wheels tired.) We check out comedian rapper Polly Wolly and Patrick demonstrates how easy rap comedy is without even trying. We try to count how many roommates Adam Dominguez has. Patrick thinks about what it would be like to have his own sandwich at McDonald’s called the McNeckbeard. Skippy Sprinkles loses his show at The Hard Hat Lounge thanks to Agent O.

FREE BONUS: Thai Rivera RUNS AWAY To Austin!

Grrrl can you believe it? Our favorite little Asian girl, Thai Rivera, has run off to Austin, Texas, exactly as predicted by Patrick over one year ago. She is nothing if not super basic! We watch Thai explain in his normal exhausting way the basics of moving as only he can. Poor Bijou! Patrick has new predictions that you’re going to want to bet on down at your local sportsatorium. Will Thai find the friendships, respect and popularity he is looking for in Austin? Or will he be spit out the bottom of the open mic scene just as he has in Phoenix twice, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas? Will he be banned from the clubs there like he is here? Will his “friends” like Tim Dillon and Tony Hinchcliffe put up with his ignorant gay sass in their town?

BONUS: Getting Weird and Looping

Patrick has a looper and it’s Friday night, so why not get together and see what happens about it? Thanks so much for making NLO a part of your being! Some guy tries to get Patrick into a crypto scam called VECHAIN! Patrick has some vodka for a change. A troll throws money at the show and claims victory! We talk about the Established Titles scam with a real scotsman. We get in to how insane Kanye West is, and someone in the chat brings up a video that Kanye was in about Joe Rogan and mechanical bees. I’m not sure what’s edited and what’s real, but one thing is for sure – Kanye is bananas on a level we can’t begin to comprehend.

BONUS – Skankfest Recap

Patrick checks in after a short hiatus without shows. Some medical issues have been plaguing Patrick’s ability to move about this earth without being in pain. Patrick recaps attending Skankfest Las Vegas and watching Thai Rivera walk half the room in five minutes. The movie Bros is awful and Billy Eichner is having a tough time with it. Patrick tries to wrap his head around dads and their love for Over the Top Chili. Casper ThaComic refuses to put up the recording he covertly made of Patrick at a recent open mic. Patrick tries to explain what he’s going through but he gets a little choked up and just has to leave. Or maybe it’s a bit. It’s hard to tell anymore.

SPECIAL: Hunting of the Ghost

Nobody Likes Onions is proud to present one of its deep dives! For fans of conspiracies and the mentally ill, Patrick is proud to present Casper ThaComic, Las Vegas’s very own bad-boy rapper turned chuckle cuck. But who is this comedy newb who showed up in Vegas pounding his chest? Agent O has provided the show with so much information on the previous career attempts of this young try hard. Before his fledgling attempt at comedy for the past 9 months, Casper ThaComic was Casper ThaGamer, and before that, he was Casper ThaGhost, a lower-tier battle rapping nerd with the sporadic cadence of a Tourette’s school marching band. We go through the battles, from the rap stage to the gaming console, both virtual and verbal. The cringe is real

Trouble in Vegas AGAIN!?

Pull up a Thai and order some chair. Patrick predicts an ending to the Thai Ocha Open Mic live streams and fanfare very soon. We are watching the slow train wreck that is Casper’s ego collide with the ever-changing permitter of Thai Rivera’s insecurity. It could blow at any moment. We still don’t have time for new people. Patrick thinks Vegas is turning him sour. A comedy club in Vegas has a real problem with their videos. Patrick calls Ocha Thai to see if the open mic is cancelled or if Thai is genuinely in hiding. We cover a recent violent incident on the Las Vegas comedy scene which involves a past NLO lolcow getting popped and locked. Patrick reveals never-before-seen messages from Trouble in Vegas.

BONUS – Vegas Comedy Specials, Ahoy!

We are holding Laugh After Dark accountable to the standard of other Las Vegas comedy specials. Adam Dominguez. Skillz Hudson. The comedy cube is on fire! We check them all out. Patrick tells the story about getting drunk with Todd Glass in Tampa years ago. We fire up Amazon Prime and purchase Diaz Mackie’s special to see what standards are being set in Vegas comedy. It seems like our old pal Trouble aka Artemio Rios aka Gutter Breath aka Coke Throat has produced and put together a night like no other for the taping of this release. But has the special caused a riff between Trouble and Diaz? How did Diaz do? How does it look and sound? Did they pay to play copyrighted music in this thing?

BONUS – Thai Tries: Kill Tony FailFest!

Let’s watch Thai Rivera’s latest blunders and his appearance on Kill Tony, which is a show where rich comedians throw garbage at poor comedians. Will Patrick have his logo fixed? Who knows! Your guess is as good as the next them’s. Patrick is coughing a lot. He challenges the chat room to a BBQ competition, and our old friend Steve Curran is offended at the notion. Thai does a new video in which we get a glimpse of some of his professional camera equipment. He also boasts about how he didn’t edit the latest episode of Unbothered, which allows us to get glimpses of his life in his sad studio, filled with flies and an air conditioner that doesn’t work. He also complains of car trouble and tells the tale of the worst mechanic “in the world.”