Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1459: Zumock Unhinged!

The ordeal between Steel Toe Morning Show and comedian Chad Zumock continue. We listen to Steel Toe's Aaron Imholte try to make his case more and more that Chad is an unhinged and broken danger to himself. And with some of Chad's most recent videos, we can't say that it's hard to agree. Patrick is a little taken aback by how graphic and far Chad goes with some of his rhetoric and insults when it comes to Aaron. Perhaps the comments about April are even more distasteful, if far funnier. Listen as Patrick sets Chad's amazing rants to some banging beats for the hip hop sensation of the summer. Who will win this epic battle of comedic wits? it's too early to tell!

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[BONUS] Chad Zumock VS. Steel Toe Morning Show! You Decide!

In late 2021, Patrick was introduced to a comedian named Chad Zumock when they worked together in Tulsa, Oklahoma. A year later, Patrick has noticed an increase in chatter about the Z-Man, and Chad has recenly been arguing with a radioman named Aaron Imholte based in Minnesota. Allegations of stolen credit cards, drunk driving, a mysterious Dry Bar Comedy special, ties to other podcasts and hosts, and so much more! We try to unravel this mess of broadcaster ball-busting, but the thread we pull just keeps getting longer. Watch as we trace the history of Chad Zumock through Kevin Brennan, Anthony Cumia, the Steel Toe Morning Show, and so many others. Who's side are you on? Who's the unreasonable one?

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Aftershow 1458: Tim Can’t Tech!

We're watching some vintage Dillion Dilligaf, who makes some great appearances with old show favorites. We also watch some of the latest content from Donkey Lips that is meant for his fans only. And of course we let Summer Sinclair wrap up her insane presentation to four people somewhere in a black box theatre in the warehouse district of Las Vegas. But the main entertainment of the night is waiting and watching as our boy Tim Chizmar emails frantically trying to find out from Patrick how exactly to join the YouTube channel to watch live. By the time he is able to figure it out, after multiple emails and a phone call, Patrick and the chat celebrate by wrapping it up!

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Aftershow 1457: Spy Balloons

Patrick does an aftershow and gets sucked in to the political stratosphere, so to speak. Maybe nobody here is a scientist, but Patrick doesn't believe in the theory that this ballon was a Chinese spy balloon, and the chat makes fun of him for being a bit behind in the news. Why are shooting down balloons anyway? Speaking of balloons, Micheal Ray Bower has some new videos and is still pushing his channel and march as hard as he can. We also try to make it through seven minutes of David Hollywood Hulett interviewing Summer Sinclair on his Paprika Show podcast, live as usual from his kitchen with several wackos stumbling around and drinking beers! Don't miss!

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Aftershow 1456: Patrick’s Cringe Content

OVERDOSE Members only - have we got a treat for you! Never before seen videos from October 2015 of Patrick headlining Butch Bradley's Comedy Hideaway in Atlantic City, NJ. Watch Patrick host an open mic with a lot of bumbling new material. We have a very special appearance from William Strange! Watch Patrick's odd behavior melt away as we then see Butch Bradley act like a complete maniac on stage in before bringing Patrick up, yelling at audience members, rearranging chairs, and even taking a woman's phone! You won't believe how Butch ran his club - we have the lost tapes! Patrick shows a bunch of his own cringe comedy to the chat audience and wants to hide under the table.

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Aftershow 1452: Neil Degrasse Tyson Meltdown

Neil deGrasse Tyson has a complete meltdown on a podcast when confronted with facts and data regarding the big pandemic shot, and it does not sit well with the Internet. Emotional, flailing and unable to self-soothe, Tyson spirals out and we are here for it! Did you know he's a scientist? He will remind everyone over and over, so don't worry! “Okay. By the way, I’m — I’m not claiming to be the expert on all this. I read all the same things you have. But I’m a scientist, so I read it as a scientist. Okay. They were trials. That’s what the point of phase 1, 2, 3 trials are all about. They’re tested enough to get data on how to then advise the larger population. Yes, It was tested. For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”

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Aftershow 1451: Wild Women

Patrick doesn't want the fun to stop. Join him in catching up with some of the most wild stories on the internet that were popping off during the holiday season. We watch a big old fat lady who thinks she was kicked out of an establishment for being too fabulous and sexy while revealing her giant tub of a gut to everyone. Patrick recalls that this was a common sight on any flight with lots of Indian people. We also watch a woman lose her mind at a Florida airport by smashing everything around her and throwing computers at employees and customers. We should all use this a lesson to keep our composure and watch how we behave when the world and more importantly Worldstar is watching.

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Aftershow 1446: A Donkey Lips Christmas

Remember the show Salute Your Shorts on Nickelodeon in the 1990s? Of course you do, you little rapscallion. Donkeylips, aka Michael Ray Bower, has been an actor his whole life. But a few years ago his parents passed away, he ran out of money, and moved in to the saddest apartment in Hollywood and started cooking tacos in his own toilet. This latest update from Camp Anawanna's favorite fat fuck is even sadder than the ones before it. Pour some egg nog, maybe fry up some toilet tacos or another disgusting snack, and sit back and listen as Michael Ray Bower tells us why things have been so hard for him for the past few years. God speed, little friend!

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Aftershow 1441: Halloween Spectacular!

Patrick is back with a FREE apology show to make up for the cancellation of last night's aftershow! It's the anniversary of Butch Bradley stealing $1200 from Patrick! We get in to some hot BBQ talk and give a warning for anyone who wants to brine a turkey this Thanksgiving.If you think you know everything there is to know about rubs and coarse ground pepper, you have another thing coming! We present a very scary HALLOWEEN edition of The Tweets I Seen, featuring Casper The Comic in heels and lipstick. Angie Krum cannot stop herself from grabbing low-hanging comedy fruit, and she wants you to be hacky on the radio like her! Our old friend Nick Starr is back posting mental breakdowns and publicly airing out his relationship drama on social media again.

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Aftershow 1435: Ghost Hunting

Casper the Comic might be more insidious than we originally realized. Regardless of his intentions, the overconfidence embodied by this dude is beyond cringe. We dive in to Casper and start to also explore a new potential curiosity named Amaru out of Lansing, Michigan. Agent O has submitted quite a few new case studies to our little museum of oddities, and we plan to get to them all. Be patient while Patrick meanders the mazes of mystery laid before us. Everything in due time. ow drink your medicine and say your prayers. Night falls soon.

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Aftershow 1431: Laugh After Dark, Mark Seritella

atrick continues his questioning of Robert E. Lee from Laugh After Dark. Patrick has been offered a comedy special taping and he has some complicated demands. The chat gets in on the action. Rob tips off Patrick that something has gone wrong at the Comedy Supernova show according to Jozalyn Sharp's social media. The show is booked and run by Mark Seritella, who Patrick had an awkward interaction with in 2012 and the relationship went south from there We dive back in the archives to watch the awkward show unfold at the mention of Mark's receding hairline. It all becomes unhinged more quickly than anyone imagines. Was Patrick fair to Mark? Is Mark a good person?

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Aftershow 1428: Oh and Eh

A deep dive in to the defunct careers of both Opie and Anthony, and how Josh Denny has decided this wagon without wheels is the thing that is going to get him to the next level. Opie and Anthony were a dynamic duo of radio the likes of which we will never see again, but as they have gone their separate ways, the magic has died. Opie is a lonely, bitter man who makes daily rants revisiting the good old days while talking shit about his former partner to a small pool of fans-turned-trolls who still frequent his social media channels. Anthony has ruined what was a golden opportunity to build a media empire by drinking and burning his head in the sand while idiots steal his money. And Josh Denny, comedy pilot fish, thinks that this old man and his "what was" is enough to propel him in to a golden era of entertainment's future.

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Aftershow 1427: Deep Krum

We explore a deep dive interview with Angie Krum and we learn so much. You may want to alert the international authorities, because Patrick is pretty sure that Angie admits to trafficking stimulants across the border in to the United States. It's true what they say - Krum's do have more fun! We don't get two sentences in to this interview before Angie starts talking about penises and sex and all the sex and penises she's had. She talks about how guys can't satisfy her, and she travels the world doing guest sets and banging guys, and that's what comedy is. Also she wants a boat and to travel and do movies and tv. You know, real little girl princess shit!

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Aftershow 1426: Mixed Nuts!

Patrick continues the insanity with a look back at some favorites to see what they are up to in 2022. Our friend Michael Ray Bower has stopped posting videos for months, after regular updates from his bachelor box. We watch a house tour we somehow missed previously, and what we see on his chair is enough to bring up yesterday's lunch. We also check in on Daddy Derek, everyone's favorite children's beastiality author. There's new remixes of the same old footage, and some new books for children you want to screw up at an early age. It's a rough internet out there, but remember - these lights will guide you home!

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Aftershow 1425: Mo’ Gretch!

Patrick continues down the path of watching Gretchyn Boshart absolutely crush her headlining gig in Florida. Jkjk it's some of the most poorly-filmed unwatchable garbage ever. It's almost worse than her "special" which she quietly wishes would disappear from the internet. So grab something sharp to jam in to your eyes, and if you're near something boiling hot to pout in to your ears you might want to grab that too. Don't say we didn't warn you! It's a 35 minute set from one of the saddest outdoor comedy shows ever where Gretchen steps up to headline and show 'em how it's done! Please don't email us about this because we don't like that it exists either.

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Aftershow 1424: Thai Dive

Thai Rivera has issued a complete cope piece about Patrick and his interview with Dee Lila regarding his recent alleged assault. Thai doesn't have one bad thing to say about Patrick in over thirty minutes of attempted analysis. It's a weird one, and we've never seen Thai open up this much about Patrick, but perhaps they are friends now. Patrick offers Thai an olive branch. Could these two bury the hatchet an form one of the most bad-ass comedy alliances Las Vegas has ever seen? Is it possible the animosity between these two has been nothing more than misplaced affection? Wouldn't it be amazing if they joined forces to....jkjk. Thai is a loon and we just can't seem to stop watching the struggle.

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Aftershow 1420: Denny, Donkeylips

Patrick extends the party with a look at some of the most lovable characters in NLO lore. We first check in on Josh Denny, who is doing his thing by trying to crank out interesting interviews and fun topical news shows. Is it working? You be the judge! We also check in on everyone's favorite efficiency apartment gourmand, Michael Ray Bower. Donkey Lips has some new memory cards to show off, and the cringe is still strong with this one. Finally, our old kiwi pal Moody shows us a new YouTuber he insists we are going to love, but Patrick seems to be skeptical. Let's dive in to the world of John Fears together and see if it's worth it, or if this show should have ended sooner.

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