NLO LIVE: Bending Steel Toe, Blue Chew Man Goo (June 15, 2023)

Patrick wishes he could move on from stupid Aaron Imholte and his insane Steel Toe Morning Show, but he won’t be satisfied until it’s undeniable that Patrick is the king of morning drive! The delusion is so strong with this couple that it’s bound to boil soon. We watch several clips of Mooby and the Scrimp in full-on denial about his freestyling skills, his continued harassment of Chad Zumock, and the constant gaslighting the couple inflict on their fanbase. We watch an awkward exchange where Aaron once again sexualizes his partner, and calls her a cock whore to save himself from embarrassment of having a low libido. The internet drops out and Patrick has to soldier on and finish the show without the beloved chatters.

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