Secret Shows

BONUS – Thai Tries: Kill Tony FailFest!

Let’s watch Thai Rivera’s latest blunders and his appearance on Kill Tony, which is a show where rich comedians throw garbage at poor comedians. Will Patrick have his logo fixed? Who knows! Your guess is as good as the next them’s. Patrick is coughing a lot. He challenges the chat room to a BBQ competition, and our old friend Steve Curran is offended at the notion. Thai does a new video in which we get a glimpse of some of his professional camera equipment. He also boasts about how he didn’t edit the latest episode of Unbothered, which allows us to get glimpses of his life in his sad studio, filled with flies and an air conditioner that doesn’t work. He also complains of car trouble and tells the tale of the worst mechanic “in the world.”

BONUS – Allegations of Bourassment

Set your oscillospheres to fun! Let’s clarify the extent to which this program goes after people. Johnny Brim is upset. A refresh of the whole Angie Krum situation – no hard feelings involved. We find something called The Paprika Show, hosted by Thai Rivera’s favorite pianist, David “Hollywood” Hulett. We somehow go on a deep exploration of Ryan Bourassa, who pretends to be some successful YouTuber and has other dummies in the comedy community fooled. Ryan explains the reasons he has recently withdrawn from the comedy community. We’ve never seen more sad lies and coping from a pale stick-boy.

BONUS – White Knights & Dark Times

Patrick can’t believe people watch this program. What’s wrong with you? Go outside and play with a ball or climb a tree or something, We are being very careful on this program not to mention certain substances so we don’t get demonetized. Thai Rivera is accusing Big Irish Jay of stealing jokes from some very well-known comedians, but we can’t find one thing on the internet to back him up. The Las Vegas comedy groups on Facebook are full of the weirdos trying to get you to make an album or clothing line for some reason. Corseted Comedian Dee Lila is out on these streets selling worn panties and bottled urine. Josh Denny can’t stop stealing copyrighted music for his little iMovie projects.

BONUS: She’ll Come Back

If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger. This was a mistake. Do…

BONUS: Thai’s Money Meltdown!

We’ve got a pair of dolphins doing stunts over here and if there’s time we will be visiting a local ice creamery to see how our favorite treat goes from a cow to your cone! Jkjk there’s a lot of technical issues lately and we try to work through them. Patrick talks briefly about his experience going to Wiseguys open mic. We tune in to the Ocha Bar open mic for a bit, to see how it’s going without Thai’s main lackey there to do everything. Thai has trouble operating a clock and engaging the crowd. Casper saves the day with jokes, energy and professionalism. Thai runs on stage to melt down for the second time in three weeks to his live audience about Patrick and about not getting enough money.

BONUS: Thai Loses Another Friend!

Can you even believe it? The party doesn’t stop! Wind down your day with Patrick and his insane rhetoric as we explore the internet together to see what’s poppin’! Bring some champagne and cheese and laugh until your tummy aches or throw things at the screen while baiting Patrick or other chat members in to passionate arguments! Thai is stealing more and more from Patrick as time goes on and he can’t seem to help it. Patrick uncovers subtle changes in Thai’s podcast setup that expose his insecurity. Thai has finally had a falling out with his new bestie, AJ Rivera. AJ makes the flyers, hosts and organizes his Ocha Bar open mic, and without his workhorse will Thai be able to keep the grift going?

Sunday Funday! April 17, 2022

Join Patrick and his puppets for a night of wholesome family sketches that teach valuable lessons to our youth! Jkjk it’s our usual Sunday night hang, and Patrick is catching up on things he doesn’t know about. Tim C in the chat points out that Thai has taken part in a comedy showcase special on Amazon Prime and we decide we should download, watch and review it live. Not only is Thai in this production piss-bucket of a show, several familiar faces make an appearance! We also check in on the latest on his Youtube channel, which definitely has some fuzzy math going on. We remember Roy Johnson and his comedy prowess by watching some old footage.

Sunday Funday! April 10, 2022

Pour a glass of pickle juice and wind down the weekend with Patrick and his puppet friends! It’s Sunday Funday and we’ve got people to stare at! Patrick recaps his weekend, including doing a show with Big Irish Jay at the Dirty at 12:30, in which Jay embarrassed Patrick from the stage big time. Patrick is Juuling his troubles away tonight. We talk about how to quit smoking. The Ultimatum on Netflix is pure exploitative garbage. We watch Thai’s latest attempt to get YouTube fame, which is to upload a video and then try to name it something controversial and clickbait-y to gain attention. Spoiler alert – it didn’t work! This entire show is available for OVERDOSE MEMBERS ONLY! Join today!

BONUS SHOW – April 6,2022

You’ve been such well-behaved children that Patrick is doing a bonus program! Patrick is being assaulted by some lady in the chat who can’t decide if Patrick is hot or toxic. We explore the latest from some old NLO favorites, including Starline and Daddy Derek. Star appears to be married now and is still mailing out hand-drawn stickers to internet creeps. Derek has somehow managed to re-cut the same old footage in to several “new” videos. We are all on pins and needles for the fourth annual 420 Awards! Of course, we also check in on the latest drama surrounding Thai Rivera, including his last frantic videos before leaving his living situation.

BONUS – Vegas Comedy Monsters!

Catching up with some local Las Vegas comedy drama – this city gets weirder and weirder. Thai Rivera check-in and watch of his latest garbage fire content. Bring a juice, bring a wine, have a snack, have a time. In this episode we dive in to some of Thai’s favorite Vegas comedians to see just what then have that makes them so promising. We also explore comedy wingnut Gretchen Boshart to study what a train wreck attempt at a comedy career looks like. Put on your biker jacket and stain your teeth – she’s a keeper! We’re here for the lolcows, we stay for the friendships. I think I’m having a stroke.

SPECIAL EVENT: Bubbles in Vegas!

What is happening in Las Vegas comedy? While most of the community is positive and encouraging, a few bad apples keep spoiling the bunch. Who is responsible for all the Vegas comedy drama? What rumors are true? Is Trouble racist, homophobic and toxic? Is Diaz Mackie fucking up? And more importantly, is Thai Rivera the comedy tumor that, if carved out, would result in a flourishing comedy community? Let’s check out the latest rants by all of them and see if we can make sense of anything anymore. It’s all in good fun, except the mental illnesses. We ROASTIN’ mofos over here! Bring a body bag! Preview is free for everyone! Full show for OD members only!

Watching the Throne – Part 3 of 3

In this third installment of Watching the Throne, the complete Thai Rivera residency controversy gets even more spin, with Thai declaring the entire weekend a success on his social media and podcast. We listen as this toy boy spins yarns about how happy the venue was with the turnout, how well the shows went, and how impressed the audience was. Unfortunately for Thai, the audio and video evidence seems to contradict his rose-colored view of the entire residency, as well as his talent. We also get a response from comedian Ralph Tutela, who was intended to be Thai’s partner for the residency, but sobered up before the debut and backed out. Not even newer comics on the Vegas scene want to be a part of the implosion of a gay madman and his career

Watching the Throne (Part 2 of 3)

A comedic review of the latest KING of comedy in Las Vegas. This one is a great tale from the C, and so many people helped provide insight in to the story being woven for your absolute amusement and horror. In Part 2, we listen in to another show featuring comedians Thai Rivera, Angie Krum and Dante Verduzco. It’s worse than the first, if that is at all possible, and the grift is real when it comes to Thai collecting money under the guise of this being a Vegas strip-worthy show. Strap in for another long episode with more unbelievable moments throughout, including Thai asking his feature act to leave in the middle of the show. This show was originally live streamed on June 17, 2021. Thai Rivera has since attempted to strike Nobody Likes Onions’ YouTube channel with a copyright takedown notice.

The KRINGE of Las Vegas

OOO GRRL! So many juice boxes to sip in this show! Thai Rivera’s world is collapsing around him. His less-experienced partner has backed out of his new residency show (wise choice), his financing is in jeopardy, he is rethinking the whole show concept and searching for new variety performers, and he admits it’s stressful and not ideal. Oh, also, he wants you to buy tickets for this poorly-executed garbage fire. The show has learned that the venueWe call the Thunderbird Hotel and Casino, and nobody seems to even know about Thai’s show, how to buy tickets, or that it’s even happening in a week. A woman at Chanclas Cantina thinks Patrick is Thai on the phone! We find out that Thai is still trying to get comics in trouble behind the scenes.

Comedy.Oof – Mental Illness in Comedy

Comedians are broken. Patrick has proof. You want names? TOO MANY TO LIST. Pour a drink and let’s meander through the mediocrity of comedians who don’t know that they aren’t comedians. This show will be LIVE for MEMBERS ONLY on YouTube and will be released to OVERDOSE members on their private RSS feed, as well as on the Nobody Likes Onions website.

WhinyVision™ – The Diaz Mackie Interview

Comedienne Lyin’ Thai Rivera sits down with comedian Diaz Mackie for what is sure to be one of the biggest mistakes of Diaz’s career. Recorded well over a week ago, we’ve had to wait patiently while Thai wrangle together enough blood pressure to click a mouse in Windows Movie Maker so that he could cut out all of the “umm’s” and “uhh’s” sprinkled amongst his normal stream-of-consciousness waterfall of logical fallacies. Diaz Mackie has allegedly been accused of assault or something, and Thai is LARPing around his tiny apartment pretending to be the guy who’s going to get to the bottom of it all. And if we know anything about Thai, it’s that he has a lot of experience getting to bottoms.

Thai Rivera UNMASKED!

SPECIAL LIVE EVENT! Patrick breaks down the latest shocking screenshots from Thai Rivera, the comedy denial-daddy extraordinaire! Adam Dominguez flips position on Thai and share INSANE conversations where Thai threatens, belittles, lies, and tries to manipulate Adam on multiple occasions. This is by far the most indicting evidence that has been given to Patrick to share publicly that we have seen of Thai’s character and lack of empathy and compassion.

WhinyVision™ – Bad VS. Evil

We begin today by recounting the events of the previous evening, where Thai tried once again to intimidate a comic he has bullied in the past. Patrick tells all local comics to just start recording Thai Rivera wherever he is, in private conversations and on stage. He does this to other people, and posts it online, along with other private conversations, and reciprocation is in order. Thai Rivera is back from doing shows and found enough energy to record a weak deflection that is full of lies, empty of energy, and lacks any focus whatsoever as he tries again to rehash and skewer 11 different people in the comedy community. He has a clear lack of focus between emotional collapses and bouts of unbridled anxiety, while alternating between weird semi-apologies and tough, no-nonsense professional.