There’s so many updates from so many creeps! Thai is spinning out of control. His YouTube is suspicious and Patrick can’t figure out exactly what’s going down. Thai threatens to do a tell-all about AJ Rivera and his most recently terminated friendship. A new comedy contest scam has Las Vegas comedians excited about the prospect of winning something meaningless. Josh Denny is on a real grown-up big-boy tour! Josh texted Patrick telling him that he’s got it all wrong, and maybe he was right! We revisit some of Josh’s biggest successes. Trouble in Vegas has been quietly posting L’s for months. Angie Krum is deeper than we ever knew. AOC is a super-emotionally reactive nut, and Patrick is issuing a warning right now – watch this woman for a future flameout the likes of which we have never seen. Alex Stein is a troll who exposes how short the fuse is on everyone’s favorite picante lawmaker. We check out some of the other amazing opportunities presented in comedy groups just to see if there is anything of quality.