NLO Shows

HACKAMANIA AFTERMATH: The Highs, Lows, Rants, Raves and Stories! Your Questions Welcome!

Patrick is finished cleaning up his life after Hackamania and wants to sit down and yell some more. His voice isn’t gone enough. Come join in a Friday night hang with a lot of the people you may or may not have met at the event last weekend. Who was there? Who wasn’t? Will Patrick be itching because of all th bedbugs? How much did Ray get paid? Did LL Cool Lee even find the Hilton? All the stories and gossip get laid bare on tonights edition of Nobody Likes Onions.

NLO Shows

April 5, 2024: April Imholte Is SCARED Of Her Job! Aaron Is ALL ALONE! Steel Toe Is DRIFTING!

It’s been an odd week, but it’s hard to focus on much more than the goings-on of Steel Toe and the disaster that is April Imholte aka April Anderson coming to the realization that she is trapped in a life that isn’t what it seemed just a few years ago. Rapidly approaching 30, stuck taking care of children that are not hers, performing tasks for a job she doesn’t comprehend, and not being allowed to seek a more fulfilling purpose outside the home that could bring stability to their financial life. The wedding rings are off. The tears are flowing. April is collecting a salary from her parent’s home while Aaron tries to keep in all together for the loyal few who still don’t see the train wreck is coming for these midwestern mopes!

NLO Shows

April 2, 2024: Patrick Can’t Even! Internet Chop Chop! Hackamania VENUEGATE! April Is All Alone!

The Steel Toe delusion show marches forward. This time April has recovered enough to try to host a show on her own again, but we all know Mooby can’t allow his factory-worker wife to run things on her own for too long. Let’s watch the latest cringe sessions from our favorite set of mindless Minnesotan radio hosts. Patrick wants to check in on our favorite fats to see what they have been up to. Our favorite sitting chef has a recipe for a pizza that you’re definitely not going to want to try, and another once of our tubby heroes thinks she’s going to become a runner. Finally, did you know Corey Adam has been busy cranking out reels that nobody watches and he still hasn’t figured out how to get the editing and sound right on his own phone. Strap in!

NLO Shows

March 15, 2024: Kevin Brennan The LOLCLOWN! Hackamania is Under Attack!

It’s Friday and we haven’t focused on the Fat Community all week. We have to make this right! The tubby amongst us are getting restless! We cover the latest drama from MLC, Kevin Brennan, Pat Dixon and Ray Devito, and the effect and fallout of Kevin’s rage on the upcoming Hackamania event. Kevin Brennan tries to do a morning show and snipe Patrick, only to be shut down immediately and pivot to his backup snipe session of The BS Show. When that doesn’t work either, Kevin’s resorts to telling stories about sunburns, reading superchats, and swallowing bait. Its a bitter man having a bitch fest and you should show up for it! Have yourself a very merry weekend, children!

NLO Shows

February 29, 2024: STEEL TOE Squirm Show! Ray Devito CANNOT COMMUNICATE!

It’s Thursday, and we typically reserve Thursdays for talking about some of the biggest R’s strutting around the net. Today is no exception! Ray Devito has already managed to cause a bit of a bumble with his Hackamania travel plans, and Patrick would love your opinion on who screwed things up. Ray is also in the middle of planning two separate roasts, both of which will be the same roast, and both of which will be done to an audience of no one, or maybe someone, but probably not anyone. Shoud Ray bring the roast to NLO? David Chandler is back and you can almost hear Aaron Imholte make white in his panties from here. Steel Toe Morning Show is basically a daily meme show now, and today’s sad glimpse in to Aaron and April Imholte’s relationship was another cringe banger. Don’t miss your NLO this morning!

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MEMBERS ONLY: GLUG GLUG! Chad Zumock Is A Walking Red Flag!

Happy Friday night and welcome to a members only stream. There's lots of members streams out there, but this one is just for making fun of comedian Chad Zumock as he navigates a world that has rejected him. Determined to make people thing he is a still a working comic, and clamoring for relevance with some of the most B-list comics ever, Chad continues his fight for mediocrity and we are here for it!

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NLO Shows

February 2, 2024: HACKAMANIA! Kevin Brennan DOUBLE’S DOWN On SENILE! Aaron Imholte STEEL TOE Tattoo!

It’s Friday, and Patrick can’t seem to reach escape velocity from the Kevin Brennan insanity vortex. Today we try to put a button on the issues? What is Kevin Brennan afraid of? What is really happening to his money? Why is he so angry that he has forgone logic to align himself with nonsense? Only time will tell. One this is for sure – Kevin is big mad and that has the dull-brained blips around him chimping out with nonsense. We try to finish Chad’s drunk show from Tuesday, and also visit some great Chad memories from the days when he thought he was going to be somebody. Plus we have your tattoo ideas for Aaron Imholte from Steel Toe Morning Show, and HACKAMANIA news!

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Members Only Show – February 2, 2024

Join Patrick as he wades through the latest Heather Gillespie videos. Xavier is now leaking nudes online and Heather might be involved in a cover-up. The baby is due soon and Heather is wishing for a sponsor to give her a fully furnished apartment so they can have a happy life. And you'll never believe what THEY are doing now. They're dehydrating them!

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