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Watching the Throne (Part 2 of 3)

A comedic review of the latest KING of comedy in Las Vegas. This one is a great tale from the C, and so many people helped provide insight in to the story being woven for your absolute amusement and horror. In Part 2, we listen in to another show featuring comedians Thai Rivera, Angie Krum and Dante Verduzco. It’s worse than the first, if that is at all possible, and the grift is real when it comes to Thai collecting money under the guise of this being a Vegas strip-worthy show. Strap in for another long episode with more unbelievable moments throughout, including Thai asking his feature act to leave in the middle of the show. This show was originally live streamed on June 17, 2021. Thai Rivera has since attempted to strike Nobody Likes Onions’ YouTube channel with a copyright takedown notice.

NLO Shows

NLO 1387: Crypto Crybabies

Comedian Scott Bowser is in studio for the first time in almost seven years. While he’s taken a break from standup for awhile, he has found a new love for podcasting. Patrick laments at how easy it is for people to startup a podcast with no conviction. Private messaging app Signal has pissed off Facebook by exposing how much personal information they know about people. The guys discuss the old days, including the early days of cryptocurrency, leaving Los Angeles, and more. Patrick questions Scott about his new profession in the cannibis industry. Patrick doesn’t buy in to experts, labs and testing; it’s all made up nonsense. Scott peruses some baseball cards that Patrick recently acquired to tell him if they might be worth something. Patrick comes up with a new idea for a Vegas-style baby go bye-bye clinic.

NLO Shows

NLO 1386: Discount Doodle

Patrick is fully vaccinated and can now eat dog, and he got a new Goldendoodle puppy just to test the theory. Listen to the harrowing tale of how Patrick hunted and finally got a great deal on a potentially illegal or mentally defective dog. Caitlyn Jenner is trying to be the mayor of California, and Patrick doesn’t understand why she’s even worthy of consideration. As bonus evidence of our obsession with worshipping people regardless of merit, we find a video of Caitlyn singing on The Masked Singer, and it’s AWFUL. Elon Muskrat is going to host Saturday Night Live and people are super upset about it. Bowen Yang doesn’t like it, but most people don’t like Bowen Yang. Patrick gives away a sofa to a psycho who can’t stop talking about Brooklyn. Apple is going get everyone killed with their new stalker-friendly Airtags gimmicks.

Bonus Stuff

NLO 1383: Umm, Bothered

Thai Rivera is back at it again, trying to explain away the same altercations for the third show in a row. This one is a LOLlercoaster of emotion, as Thai can’t decide whether or not he wants to make up with people from one minute to the next. He waffles from indifferent to incensed with the manic energy of a teen girl. He also cannot stop texting Patrick throughout the show, which becomes annoying by the end. Patrick reveals how he trapped Thai into all-but proving his vanity by getting him to buy YouTube views. Thai starts new fights with comics Spiro and Jozalyn Sharp, while doubling down on old beefs with Matt Markman, Gooch, Bobby and Krystle, Big Irish Jay, Trixx, and so many more. It’s uncomfortable, edited to shit, and lack focus and a cohesive point.

Bonus Stuff

BONUS: Thai Claps Back!

Patrick listens live to the latest collection of clipped together sass Thai calls a podcast to see what’s new in the comedy world. Or in Thai’s little corner of it. After Thai’s long week of burning bridge after bridge, Thai goes in on even more comedians, bookers, and friends. He wrestles with the idea that he has a mental illness, and later in the show begins messaging Patrick DURING THE SHOW begging him to take down the videos and asking what needs to happen to make all this analysis cease. In this special show, we listen to Thai’s latest beefs, excuses, lies and even rebuttals to Patrick’s overwhelming and constantly accumulating pile of evidence.

NLO Shows

NLO 1381: THAI RIVERA vs. TRIXX Full Breakdown

Joke thievery is no laughing matter! The Las Vegas comedy scene is spicy, and most of the bickering centers around everybody’s favorite drama donut, Thai Rivera, accusing Canadian comedian Trixx of joke theft – the most unforgivable of comedy crimes. Who’s lying? Who did what? Is there more to the story? Let’s listen to what Thai has to say, and hold his attempted joke theft exposure up to what we know about his past behavior. Let’s see what proof and substance Thai provides to try to ruin the reputation of a Canadian comedian he used to call “friend.” Is time running out for Thai in Las Vegas?

NLO Shows

NLO 1380: Recalibrate Your Crazy

It’s another weekend in Las Vegas, and the streets are sizzling with sweet, sweet comedy drama. In this show, Patrick share some great news from his HOA. He grapples with the prospect of getting the vaccine soon and asks for listener feedback. The show might switch to YouTube for live shows soon, because Twitch is too woke. Patrick has taken to selling graphics cards on eBay during the shortage, and has some unkind words for Craigslist shoppers. Patrick recaps all the history with Butch Bradley, as it’s become a topic of discussion again recently. Two individuals on Facebook have caught Patrick’s eye for their short fuses and inability to self-soothe. Catherine Maloney is mad at men, herself and the world, and want’s everyone to know about it.

NLO Shows

NLO 1379: Pure Hate

Patrick continues bitching about the woes of home ownership, including a recent faucet repair and more HOA drama. He also recently found himself furniture shopping and purchasing some sofas from a company called Lovesac. I hope you enjoy fifteen minute rants about customer service and how not to dress your employees. NLO wants to jump on the NFT hypetrain and issue a limited set of NLO trading cards. Stay tuned for more. After a small political rant, Patrick expresses concerns for the mental health of some people on his Facebook news feed, including a comedic peer, Brian Scolaro. Please calibrate your crazy. Flappers Comedy Club is still scamming comics. Comedians are becoming more and more desperate.

Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1375: Josh Denny / Thai Rivera

Our kiwi pal Moody says the show we’re watching today would have never happened without us Onions, but who knows? On this bonus show, we watch and review the paywalled morning show that Josh Denny recently did with Thai Rivera. Josh fudges timelines and catches himself several times. Moody calls Josh very racist throughout this show. Thai admits to watching Nobody Likes Onions, and both of them pretend to not know what the other is talking about. Who produces more cringe? Find out now.

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BONUS: Black Pedro & More!

Black Pedro is on fire this time, with claims of financial success and investing wisdom far beyond the age indicated by his hairline. We are still sorting out some issues in the new studio, so bear with us while we test some things out. We hope it’s worth is, as we embark on a journey to listen to some of the most insane claims of investing knowledge ever. We also check in on YouTube Donut Operator for some cop videos, and Moody shows us a cringey zoom recording of a British council meeting.

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PM in the AM: Dec 14, 2020

It’s all over now. It’s moving day. In just hours everything must be in boxes, and Patrick is being super chill about all of it. Maybe. Until he empties the alcohol and starts ripping foam off the walls. It’s the last few moments in this iteration of the studio, and you get to watch. Or listen. We talk about Josh Denny, Twitch and their subs, waste management, Vegas comedy, and podcast studio design and desks. Patrick wants to reboot Xzibit’s career with a new show.

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PM in the AM: Dec 10, 2020

Patrick sits down for a morning chat with you, his favorite listeners. Twitch has been sending out some long emails lately, and they are making new policies about content almost daily. Get ready for no jokes and no fun online. Patrick thinks he has been hacked because of a camera glitching and his new networking equipment being setup by a crazed fan named Spiro Bronch. Patrick has been painting and doing projects at the new house, which have been keeping him too busy to hang out with you dorks.

NLO Shows

NLO 1352: Gone In 267 Milliseconds

This show is an attempt to make everyone happy. We are taking a break from the latest trend of T2 tirades. So much in this show! Patrick talks too much about graphics cards. The final solution for low-carb pizza cravings is revealed. We teach an old fan some new tricks. Patrick tries to give people investment advice, but he has no idea what he’s talking about. Plus listener supplied topics!

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NLO 1347: Trez’ Company

The Trez Mala deep dive continues, and this well goes deep. Or should we say this dam is high? Either way, strap in as we explore Trez’ YouTube and social media to discover just what gives this guy his comedy edge. We learn how to cook eggs on a grill, how eating old pork with mac and cheese in a deep fried tortilla won’t kill you instantly, and you don’t need six views on a YouTube video to make you a star.

NLO Shows

NLO 1346: Bad3

The gay giving tree that is Thai Rivera has birthed us a new comedian jester to keep our eyes on, Trez Mala. Patrick took years of Spanish in high school. so he’s pretty sure that means “bad three.” Or something close. In the first installment of two, we listen to Trez talk about himself and his comedy roots and philosophy on some other gas weasel’s podcast. If you’ve never heard of the MoonBug Glip Glop podcast, strap in

NLO Shows


This Thai Rivera thing was supposed to be over, but Patrick just can’t help himself when it comes to trying to unravel the distorted mental map of a mad man. Dual scourge of the gay and comedy communities, Thai Rivera, does a podcast named after a more famous podcast. Patrick stumbles in the studio and fires up the stream to listen live, and it turns in to a THREE HOUR deconstruction of a broken man who contradicts himself more and more every minute.

Aftershow Video

Aftershow 1335 – Roy Johnson, Steve Curran

Steve Curran has a lot to say, but Roy is struggling to understand much of it in this after show filled with audio issues and arguing. Curran has a chip on his shoulder about his pizza not winning the contest. Listen to advice on bars, doing cocained during a pandemic, and so much more. As always, this advice is brought to you by people who really believe that they’re smarter than they are.

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Steve Curran is back and he’s holding up very well in the face of a modern-day apocalypse. Patrick tries to do some prank calls that don’t work out. Kim Jung Un might be dead or…