NLO 1334: Cryptic Shade

This show is a brave message to those out there who have to deal with bullying on an everyday basis. Patrick woke up to find himself being told of a lack of approval about a Facebook post he’d made the day before. Las Vegas comedian, or is it comic, Thai Rivera spins out in manic glory over a silly post, resulting in a chain of hilarity and weird pointless hating that can only be classified as virtue signaling horseshit. Other comics get involved, everyone pats themselves on the back, and Patrick is left baffled at the behavior of adult men who are virtual strangers. We watch Thai be hypocritical in a video and then watch him eat a Popeye’s chicken sandwich live on video like a basic bitch. Strap in for this one. It’s odd as fuck.

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Episode Guests

Thai Rivera

Thai Rivera

Las Vegas, NV

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